Can You Buy Modafinil In Italy?

Modafinil seems to be entering something of a renaissance, wouldn’t you agree? Although it started as a prescription wakefulness-promoting agent, the level of attention it is now garnering has taken it into the stratosphere. Just take a look at some of the hype and you’ll understand.

All kinds of talk about it being the most reliable “smart drug,” about students and the like using it to handle heavy workloads and increase their productivity. How did this happen?

It turns out that in addition to the primary functions of Modafinil, there are off-label benefits that heighten cognitive function and allow users to concentrate on work and do it better than they would have before.

No wonder so many people want to turn to it as a brain supplement.

Now, this raises a question. Modafinil legal in many countries, but often requires a prescription. In many places, doctors are stingy and getting a prescription isn’t exactly a walk in the park.

At the same time, figures show that more and more people are using Modafinil for off-label, personal purposes.

How are they doing it? Can you buy Modafinil in Italy, for instance? Today, we’re going to take a closer look and see just what is going on with this increased off-label use, and what you can turn to if Modafinil turns out to be a bridge too far.

Modafinil: What is it?

Let’s start with the small stuff. What is Modafinil and what does it do? Before it was being hailed as the brain drug du jour, it was just known as a eugeroic.

This means that it helps people stay awake when they would normally be sleepy.

It was developed in the 1970s, along with a similar compound, Adrafinil, as an alternative to amphetamines that didn’t have as many detrimental side effects.

You can see, then, why it was used to treat narcoleptics and others with sleeping disorders.

The drug helps them stay awake during the day, then at night they can resume sleeping normally and stick to a healthier cycle of rest.

One thing that makes Modafinil an attractive option is that while it fights fatigue like other stimulants (amphetamines, in particular), it doesn’t have all of the same drawbacks.

Using amphetamines might help to stave off sleep, but then users could well suffer from rebound hypersomnia (becoming excessively tired) after the amphetamines wear off, this problem is not commonly associated with Modafinil use.

There are some side effects associated with Modafinil, but these are generally mild. They include headaches, occasional nausea, a decrease in appetite, and a slight increase in anxiety when first starting Modafinil, among others.

Modafinil is sold under many brand names, like Provigil and Modalert. Usually, it is sold as a tablet at varying strengths, with 150-milligrams and 200-milligrams being two of the most popular on the market.

The secondary benefits of Modafinil are what make it attractive to supplement enthusiasts. Specifically, the cognitive boosting secondary benefits.

Modafinil can help improve working memory, reaction times, alertness, attention, and motivation.

In addition, Modafinil might also have some mood-boosting properties and neuroprotective effects.

This is why users tend to want to try it to get more work done, as it helps them focus and tear through even boring tasks at an incredible clip.

Modafinil: How it Works

Researchers don’t understand all of Modafinil’s mechanisms of action. What they do know, however, is that it interacts with the nervous system and various neurotransmitters to produce its effects.

Here’s what they’ve been able to figure out so far.

Modafinil inhibits the release of a compound called GABA, which is the one responsible for feeling sleepy.

Modafinil interacts with dopamine and is also known to interact with the same system in the body that manages adrenaline output, which could explain how it boosts alertness and motivation.

Modafinil also increases the production of histamine and norepinephrine, both of which are linked to wakefulness.

Normal doses of Modafinil are around 200-milligrams for treating sleeping disorders and for gaining cognitive boosts. Don’t doubt that there are a few power users out there, though, that exceed this range for greater effect.

Evidence of Modafinil’s Off-Label Benefits

We know that there are tons of people who use Modafinil for both on-label and off-label benefits. But, has anyone actually studied the drug to see if there’s any evidence that substantiates these claims? Let’s check it out.

In a review of studies conducted by the European Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology, the researchers unearthed some pretty powerful conclusions. Namely, they learned that Modafinil appears to have a profound effect on executive-level functions which are considered to be a “bread-and-butter” reason for taking Modafinil.

“Enhancement of executive functions is the primary aim of many people seeking and developing neuroenhancement, and modafinil has anecdotally been thought to exert the largest effect on them. Three core executive functions have been proposed, namely, the inhibition of irrelevant information (inhibitory control), the ability to alternate the focus of attention in order to meet shifting task demands (cognitive flexibility), and the ability to hold and manipulate external and internal information (working memory).”
These results suggest that there may be some significant evidence to substantiate Modafinil as a nootropic drug.

Professor Guy Goodwin mirrored those sentiments and had this to say about the drug. “Modafinil may well deserve the title of the first well-validated pharmaceutical nootropic agent”.

The Legality of Modafinil

In much of the world, Modafinil is legal to possess and to use. You just need a prescription to do so. Let’s look at the United States as an example.

There, Modafinil is not an illegal compound, per se, but it is regulated.

You have to have a medical need for the drug and a doctor’s permission to obtain it. After that, you can purchase it from pharmacies and even bring it past the border if you declare it properly.

Some countries take a different stance. In Russia, for instance, Modafinil is treated more like cocaine and is tightly controlled. There are laws against possession and some have said that even a few pills will warrant jail time.

In Italy, you can get Modafinil, but the process is tricky if you’re trying to get it from an online vendor.

Can You Buy the Drug in Italy?

If you don’t have a prescription, you’ll have to source Modafinil from an online source. This sounds simple enough at first but is complicated by what many Modafinil retailers see as strict import policies when trying to send packages to Italy.

Many online vendors won’t deliver directly to Italy. You can learn a bit more about Italy’s prescription drug policies here.

You could try getting around this by having their package delivered to a mail forwarding company or a proxy like Skypax, but this could backfire and actually increase the likelihood of your delivery being searched.

The takeaway is that online delivery is possible, but there is no guarantee that your shipment will reach its intended destination.

If want to try, though, there are a few online dealers you might look at. These dealers all have reputations as being customer-friendly and safe. Some even have policies that reimburse you for lost or seized packages. So, if you’re considering this option check out Modafinilxl.

Their services are, for the most part, comparable. They all offer several generic brands of Modafinil and are highly rated among the community.

There’s also the Reddit option ModaDropship. They will send shipments of Modafinil (and even Armodafinil) after one places an order via private message (PM).

Could Adrafinil Be A Better Choice?

Because of the complicated nature of the import process, Adrafinil has presented itself as an easier to obtain alternative to Modafinil.

It is a non-prescription drug that is similar in effect to Modafinil, but not subject to all of the same restrictions in many cases.

The anti-fatigue properties for the cognitive boosts seem comparable, so if you feel getting Modafinil might be a stretch, you can try this out instead.

Do note, however, that the original Adrafinil pills, sold under the Olmifon brand, were discontinued in 2011.

Nowadays, a few vendors from around the world carry Adrafinil powder and will ship that instead of the pills. Make sure you have a scale to correctly measure the doses that you need.

You should also keep in mind that Adrafinil doesn’t work as quickly as Modafinil does. Instead of feeling the effects in twenty minutes, like you would with Modafinil, Adrafinil will take an hour or more to start working.

This is because it is processed by the liver and must be metabolized before it can take effect. Also, since the drug must be processed by the liver first, a large portion of the drug is lost in the metabolization process. For this reason, a dose of Adrafinil is usually around three times the size of a dose of Modafinil.

One final word of caution, since Adrafinil is processed by the liver, continued use of the substance can lead to liver damage.

Wrap Up

Let’s wrap up what we know about Modafinil. It is a prescription anti-fatigue drug that is prescribed to narcoleptics to treat their sleep disorder.

Individuals with other conditions that cause excessive sleepiness, like sleep apnea, will also use it to control their symptoms.

The drug has a range of secondary benefits that make it popular as a supplement.

In particular, cognitive boosts, which manifest as improved memory, increased motivation, and better decision making, help users maintain high levels of productivity while working on complicated tasks.

Modafinil is legal in many parts of the world, though it usually requires a prescription. In Italy, it is possible to get Modafinil, but the import policies make it tricky to source from online vendors.

As an alternative, you can instead try Adrafinil, which does not require a prescription and is subject to fewer regulations.

We wish you luck no matter which option you take!

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