How Modafinil Strikes the Perfect Balance With Dopamine

How does Modafinil affect dopamine, the neurotransmitter that underpins reward? This is actually a controversial question, partly because Modafinil’s mechanism has been shrouded in mystery until the last decade. First, a little background info. Increasing dopamine tends to improve working memory. The caveat here is that enhanced dopamine function isn’t going to do much for you […]

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What are the Best OTC Supplements to Boost Serotonin?

Serotonin is an organic compound found in the brain, blood serum and gastric mucous membranes. In the brain it acts as a neurotransmitter.What are Neurotransmitters? Neurotransmitters are chemicals in the brain that relay messages via neurons. They have two kinds: inhibitory and excitatory. Excitatory neurons stimulate the brain while inhibitory neurons calm the brain. Serotonin is […]

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How long does it take Modafinil to wear off?

Modafinil is a nootropic which increases energy levels and alertness – specifically for those people who have a problem getting enough sleep. Mostly, it is used as a crucial component in nootropic stacks designed to help individuals study and for other productive tasks. Modafinil users often state that this supplement gives them a bigger energy […]

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Smart Caffeine Review: This Stuff Works.

Americans love their coffee. They are willing to spend money just to take a sip of a flavorful cup of joe. According to a recent study, the US spends about $40 billion on coffee each year. About 54 percent of adults in America drink coffee and they consume an average of three cups a day. […]

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ModafinilStar Review: Look Elsewhere When Buying Modafinil Online

Over the past year, I’ve purchased a lot of Modafinil online. I actually made a case study about it. I have used places like Onemedstore, Armodafinilnow and others. UPDATE 2017: VENDOR CLOSED DOWN – After getting numerous emails from customers who received bad batches of Modafinil from ModafinilStar, I can no longer recommend them in good faith. […]

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What is the best Nuvigil dosage?

Feeling sleepy? There could be many reasons why. Perhaps you didn’t sleep well last night, or perhaps you just forgot your morning cup of joe. Or perhaps you’re suffering from one of hundreds of known sleep disorders. Among the list of sleep disorders, there are about 100 different conditions that can cause sleepiness, sleeplessness, and […]

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Why is Modafinil so expensive?

If you’ve looked into buying Modafinil (or any of its analogues) online, one of the things you may have noticed was that it ain’t cheap. Vendors like Duckdose sells Modalert from SunPharma, with varying prices. Small orders of Modalert 200mg will run you anywhere from $1-2 per pill, depending on where you shop. Supplier Price per Pill […]

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How does Modafinil affect your sex life?

Many people are getting turned on to the increasing popularity of smart drugs. Consequently, they have a lot of questions, the kinds of questions you ask about anything you ingest. You want to know what the side effects are, what the likelihood is of you experiencing said side effects and whether or not such side […]

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Can you buy Modafinil in the Philippines?

We’ve all been there before: awake at night, restless, struggling to get to sleep. …that one sleepless night (or two or ten?) where we had to rush for an important deadline or finish a school project, or study for that important midterms and the coffee really just would not cut it. Not being able to […]

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How long does it take to get addicted to Phenibut?

Phenibut is chemically derived from GABA, a neurotransmitter that alleviates anxiety. Like GABA, Phenibut significantly lowers anxiety in the body and mind, and is also mildly stimulating. It’s an extremely effective nootropic (considered by some to be the best nootropic), thanks in large part to the fact that it easily crosses the blood brain barrier. Because of […]

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