Best Nootropic Stack to Help Learn Programming

Geek is the new chic. Geek culture is now considered cool in the mainstream, spawning events like Comic Con, movie franchises like Marvel, and even fashion trends. Did you ever imagine yourself a super-geek, a hacker with brains as well as charisma? I know I have. Perhaps you have too, but you dismissed the thought when it came down to […]

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6 Treatments for Social Anxiety That Actually Work

Imagine that every move you make was on a stage, with the most critical people in your life as audience and they are all scrutinizing your every move. Laughing, mocking, berating, at every little movement you make, every little thought you have, every breath you take…This scenario plays out in the minds of millions of […]

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Focusene Review: a Natural Alternative to CILTEP

I am what you would call a brain performance enthusiast. I strongly believe that the everyday intellectual requirements of the average person have been on the rise for quite some time. What this means is that when it comes to mental performance, most of us need a bit of a boost. If you are enrolled […]

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What are the long term effects of daily Modafinil usage?

You’re here because you, like me, wanted something more out of your life. At some point, you chose to perform better. So you went ahead and unlocked the full mental prowess of your brain with nootropics, particularly Modafinil. But have you wondered what the aftereffects of something that is this powerful are? Well, you’re not alone. Optimizers […]

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The Best Nootropics for Writers

We all take nootropics to improve our lives. The benefits of nootropics are well known: they can provide improvements in memory, reasoning, focus, energy, and motivation that are long-lasting and safe. However, with all the discussion and marketing of nootropics, it can be difficult to know how to start, or which nootropics are best for […]

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Which is safer Adderall or Modafinil (Provigil)?

It was a Fight Night of the boxing variety. In the red corner, the champion, sweat glistening over every exposed bit of skin, determined eyes and a clenching jaw trying to get comfortable with the mouthpiece. While in the blue corner, the challenger, young, muscles stretching and flexing with his every movement, steely look on […]

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How do caffeine and Modafinil interact?

If you’re a car lover like me, you would know that there are 2 methods of getting more horses out of your engine. One is turbocharging the other is supercharging. Both tweaks make the car go faster. But what we are here to find out is if they can be combined and still not wreck […]

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