30 Days on Adrafinil: Experiences and Insights

I admit it. I was hesitant to touch nootropics. Especially one ending in ‘afinil’. Having read a handful of scare reports online, I didn’t want to put a substance in my body that could be potentially harmful in the long term. Yet once I got my hands on it, it delivered beyond my expectations. I […]

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Alpha Brain vs. Optimind: Which Works Better?

Alpha Brain and Optimind are two of the most well-established nootropics currently on the market. Both have legions of followers, including a handful of big-name celebrities. People from around the world use the two supplements for their smart drug benefits. These two popular nootropics make similar claims. They both promise to enhance concentration, focus, and […]

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Adrafinil vs. Noopept: Which Is Better?

Weighing Adrafinil vs. Noopept is tough. They’re both popular nootropics that aren’t totally understood and likely impact the dopaminergic and noradrenergic neurotransmitter systems. Questions of efficacy and compatibility with other nootropics are essential to settle before you start on a new stack. If you’re interested in learning a bit more about the properties of Noopept […]

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Microdosing Guide: How To Microdose for the First Time

Trying a hallucinogen was one of the greatest experiences of my life so far, but not the for reasons you might think… No, I was not seeing my teapot transform into a boa constrictor, nor was I tweaked out of my mind to the point where I couldn’t function. Instead, I was (for the most […]

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Does Alpha Brain Show Up on a Drug Test?

If you must take a drug test, it’s vital you avoid the risk of a positive result. Positive results are possible even if you’ve never taken an illegal drug. Certain substances contained in prescription medications and even supplements can trigger a positive result. That’s why it’s so important to know exactly what you’re putting into […]

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How To Get Modafinil in Colombia (Online and Offline)

Modafinil is gaining a reputation as a the drug du jour for individuals who are looking for a noticeable boost in their performance and alertness. Why, you might ask? Perhaps it has something to do with Modafinil’s history and the current understanding of the drug and its potential applications. Years ago, researchers were looking into […]

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Alpha Brain vs. Adderall: Which is Better?

Have you ever had one of those days where you just can’t get anything done? Maybe you have too much on your mind. Maybe you’re feeling tired after a long week. Or maybe you just can’t get motivated. A lot of people, especially students and young professionals, turn to Adderall. The popular prescription medication enhances […]

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