Can You Buy Modafinil in Chile?

Let’s imagine for a second that you’ve already done a bit of research about Modafinil. You know that it’s a prescription medication turned up-and-coming nootropic brain supplement that is said to fight off sleep and provide a whole host of seemingly amazing cognitive benefits that have given it a status as a”fan favorite,” for lack […]

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8 Unique Benefits of Taking Magnesium Taurate

Magnesium is one of the most important minerals in the human body and, yet, the overwhelming majority of people are magnesium deficient. In fact, the average American diet consists of less than two thirds of the magnesium required by our bodies. This is unfortunate for a number of reasons, not least of which is the […]

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CILTEP vs. Alpha Brain: Which Is Better for Long-Term Use?

Few nootropics are as popular as Alpha Brain. Dozens of big names stand behind the supplement, including comedian Joe Rogan, NFL linebacker Brian Cushing, and MMA World Champion Michelle Watherson. Just as many regular people, like you and me, also swear by the brain enhancing effects of Alpha Brain. CILTEP, on the other hand, might […]

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Do Antidepressants Interact with Adrafinil or Modafinil?

Adrafinil is a hot nootropic to add to your stack these days, and many people seek its beneficial effects, but does Adrafinil interact with antidepressants? Safety is a priority when designing your stack and experimenting with new nootropics, so the question of nootropic interactions with any prescription drugs you may be taking is a critical […]

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Grove Ave Starter: Making Improvements on a Workhorse Nootropic

Caffeine and L-theanine is recognized as one of the most popular nootropic stacks available on the market. Almost every major supplement seller has some variant of the stack and they recently came across one from a new company, Grove Ave, whose flagship supplement — Starter — combines the proven smooth energy boost of caffeine + l-theanine with […]

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Noopept vs. Racetams: How Do They Compare?

Noopept is the hot nootropic on the block that’s often compared to the behemoth of nootropics: the racetams.   Both nootropics claim to improve memory, focus, and general clear-headedness.   If you were to read a comparison of other properties, Noopept vs. racetams appear nearly the same, and some suppliers and research papers don’t recognize […]

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Adderall Withdrawal: Symptoms & Effective At-Home Remedies

As with most prescription medications, long-term Adderall use leads to tolerance and addiction. An Adderall dependency is a very real problem which is why it has been classified as a Schedule II controlled substance here in the U.S. Slowly tapering off Adderall can help to ease undesirable side effects, but for many people, it is […]

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Optimind vs. Adderall: Is Optimind a Viable Adderall Alternative?

Adderall is one of the most popular prescription medications in the United States. According to the Citizens Commission on Human Rights, over 5 million Americans are prescribed the medication each year, primarily to treat ADHD. Adderall has an even more common, though non-prescription, use. Thousands of people, mostly high school and college students, take the […]

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Can You Buy Alpha Brain in Your Local Store?

Created and sold by Onnit Labs, Alpha Brain’s proprietary blend of 11 powerful ingredients helps boost overall mental performance. According to Current Medical Chemistry, nootropics like Alpha Brain not only enhance memory but improve cognitive function as a whole. The Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease states that nootropics don’t just benefit healthy individuals, but also those […]

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Adderall & Weed: Effective & Enjoyable (When Used Properly)

Recreational Adderall users often wonder if this popular study drug can be combined with other substances. Adderall + weed is a subject that crops up on sites like Reddit all the time. The major concern for most people is safety—can one safely smoke weed after taking Adderall. The answer may be surprising… As one user posted […]

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