Can You Get High on Mirtazapine?

Just about any prescription medication can and will be abused – Mirtazapine included. Yet the high achieved from recreational use of Mirtazapine is very different than that of more commonly abused prescription drugs. Unlike the feelings of euphoria painkillers and stimulants provide, antidepressants like Mirtazapine tend to make you slow, sluggish, and sleepy. In fact, […]

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Ostarine (MK-2866) Review for Muscle-Building [Cutting & Bulking]

Ostarine is generally considered to be one of the cheapest SARMs (Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators) around which is why it has become increasingly popular among bodybuilders and nutraceutical enthusiasts. Word of mouth about SARMs has been spreading over the last few years thanks to these research chemicals’ potential to burn fat and build muscle without […]

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S4 (Andarine) Review: Dosage, Side Effects, and Results

If you’re anything like me and you hit up the gym more than once a week, you’re no doubt hip to the current SARMs (Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator) boom. The stuff is blowin’ up for one very obvious reason—people don’t want to risk their health by taking dangerous steroids, but they want something that can […]

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Can You Get High on Cyclobenzaprine?

Cyclobenzaprine is a muscle relaxer. By blocking nerve impulses and pain sensations to the brain, it can be used (in conjunction with physiotherapy) to help treat physical pain and injuries to the body. That’s its normal use, anyway, there are several “off-label” uses that savvy drug enthusiasts have discovered, including a unique Cyclobenzaprine high that feels […]

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An Intensely Focused High With Vyvanse

It’s a good thing the manufacturers of Vyvanse devised a name that rolls off the tongue. Otherwise, you’d be stuck trying to pronounce Lisdexamfetamine. Try saying that three times fast.  Vyvanse is commonly used to treat ADHD and binge-eating disorder and at times has been compared to Adderall. Vyvanse/Lisdexamfetamine, however, is thought to have advantages over other such […]

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Does Valium Get You High?

Is there anyone that hasn’t heard of Valium before? The drug, a brand name for Valium, is a Benzodiazepine medication that creates a calming effect on the body and is employed clinically to treat anxiety, withdrawal symptoms from other compounds, muscle spasms, seizures, you name it. Unfortunately, the drug has become infamous for its abuse […]

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Dopamine Deficiency and ADHD: Symptoms, Causes & Treatment

You know that feeling you get after finishing a big project at work or beating your own bench pressing record at the gym? That shear wave of joyous satisfaction that overtakes you? That’s dopamine flowing through your body. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter produced in your brain which serves as a chemical messenger between your brain […]

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Can You Get High on Soma?

You might be thinking of Aldous Huxley’s fictional hallucinogen, one of several video game or anime characters, or even your favorite Australian dark-ambient band, but I am referring to none of those things here. Soma, for the purposes of this exploration, is Carisoprodol, a muscle relaxant with barbiturate-like effects. The Soma high is similar to […]

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Phenylpiracetam vs. Adrafinil: Which is Better for Wakefulness?

If you feel physically and mentally sapped, your overall performance is sure to plummet, whether that’s at school, work, or an athletic event. Luckily, nootropics are here to help. In addition to improving creativity, memory, and processing speeds, these so-called “smart drugs” can also give you a boost of energy. Two nootropics that are popular […]

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