6 Benefits of Collagen Peptides That Will Make You a Believer

If you’re a health buff, you’ve probably already heard about collagen. After all, it’s extremely popular in beauty products and is slowly gaining ground in the fitness industry. What you probably haven’t heard about is that it can do so much more. Collagen 101 Collagen is already found in our body. This kind is called […]

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Memantine HCL Review: Complete Guide to Dosage & Side Effects

This cognitive-enhancement supplement came to my attention several years ago when I was researching behavioral disorders. When my wife was diagnosed with bipolar disorder, I began looking for alternatives to the prescription medications that her physician was pushing on her. I heard on a drug forum that Memantine was sometimes effective in treating manic episodes, […]

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How To Increase Dopamine Naturally (and Recover From Dopamine Deficiency)

When I first heard the term “dopamine deficiency”, I thought to myself, “Oh goodie! Yet another medical ‘condition’ fabricated by marketers who want to sell me something!” After all, the majority of individuals who are diagnosed with ADHD have unintentionally corroded their focus and concentration through poor lifestyle decisions and don’t have a clinical problem […]

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Can You Get High on Methylphenidate?

You may not have heard of the generic name Methylphenidate, but chances are you’ve at least a passing knowledge of one of its most popular brand names—Ritalin. This stimulant is no stranger to news coverage, some detailing over-prescription to youngsters, some retelling stories of abuse by those who use it to gain an edge, and […]

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RAD-140 (Testolone) Review for Building Muscle & More

By now, I’m sure our readers are tired of hearing about the back injuries I sustained in a car accident and how the accident turned me into a flabby, out-of-shape mess. But as I’ve said before, SARMs like Andarine and Ligandrol saved my ass in a big way. For those who aren’t in the know, […]

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Nootrolux Review: A Unique Nootropic Stack WITHOUT Caffeine

This is my review of Nootrolux and their leading stack “Brain Boost“, a new nootropic stack that launched in 2017. What’s unique about this stack is that it doesn’t contain caffeine.  Many stacks today rely on caffeine for their nootropic effect. Caffeine itself is an incredibly powerful nootropic, so it’s often difficult to tease out the […]

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Can You Get High on Wellbutrin?

“It can treat depression and help people quit smoking.” It might seem like an odd combination of effects, but that’s what Wellbutrin, the brand name for Bupropion, is purported to do. Officially, it is known as a “norepinephrine-dopamine-reuptake-inhibitor,” but in more common parlance is referred to as an NDRI. As an “atypical antidepressant,” it differs […]

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Yes, You Can Buy Modafinil in Argentina (Here’s How)

If you’re here, then it might be reasonable to say that you’re interested in compounds that will help you stay awake and sharp, and might even have heard of Modafinil before and want to learn more about the drug. No surprise there, as Modafinil is a rather popular option, widely lauded for its eugeroic properties […]

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