The 5 Best Nootropics For Lowering Cortisol

It shouldn’t be surprising to know that stress is a huge problem these days. The economy is still in a slump, caffeine consumption is a constant, and many people are working psychologically pressing jobs with long commutes. Of course, this is a rather negative way to view the world, but it is more than clear […]

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Cycling powerful nootropics for maximum effect

We recently got this question from a reader about stacking: I currently stack Armodafinil, SAM-e, Creatine, and Noopept. I wonder sometimes if this is overdoing it and if I should play them off of each other. Ie, rather than stick to a daily dosage for each, would it be better to get a feel for […]

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SAM-e – A Nootropic for Improving Cognition & Fighting Depression

Many people take supplements in the hope that they can improve aspects of their lives without incurring major side-effects or having to rely on prescriptions.  As many as there are available, only a select few of them rise to the status of “life-changing” or “incredibly powerful”.  One of those rare substances is S-Adenosyl Methionine (abbr. […]

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Sulbutiamine as a Treatment for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

When other diagnoses fail, extreme cases of weakness and low vitality can be explained by a phenomenon known as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS). In affected individuals, this is an extremely debilitating condition that can be the source of much hardship and frustration. Fortunately, there are methods of treating this disease involving either cognitive-behavioral therapy or […]

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Piracetam and Choline: Dosages, Ratios & Benefits

If you’re interested in boosting your brain function with a regular regimen of Piracetam, and if you’ve done your research online, then you may well have come across mentions of the vitamin Choline. Choline is taken by many nootropics and Piracetam users as a complement to the brain enhancing drug, but why is that, what […]

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