
Category Archives for "Dopamine"

How To Increase Dopamine Naturally (and Recover From Dopamine Deficiency)

When I first heard the term “dopamine deficiency”, I thought to myself, “Oh goodie! Yet another medical ‘condition’ fabricated by marketers who want to sell me something!” After all, the majority of individuals who are diagnosed with ADHD have unintentionally corroded their focus and concentration through poor lifestyle decisions and don’t have a clinical problem […]

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Dopamine Deficiency and ADHD: Symptoms, Causes & Treatment

You know that feeling you get after finishing a big project at work or beating your own bench pressing record at the gym? That shear wave of joyous satisfaction that overtakes you? That’s dopamine flowing through your body. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter produced in your brain which serves as a chemical messenger between your brain […]

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How Modafinil Strikes the Perfect Balance With Dopamine

How does Modafinil affect dopamine, the neurotransmitter that underpins reward? This is actually a controversial question, partly because Modafinil’s mechanism has been shrouded in mystery until the last decade. First, a little background info. Increasing dopamine tends to improve working memory. The caveat here is that enhanced dopamine function isn’t going to do much for you […]

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Uridine Supplement Stacks Help Repair Dopamine Receptors

For many people, the neurotransmitter dopamine is a key factor in success when optimizing mental function. Having steady levels of dopamine in the right areas of the brain is important for maintaining motivation, attention span and supporting the ability to learn. A localized deficiency in dopamine is believed to cause problems such as attention deficit […]

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Dopamine: Pleasure, Pain, Motivation and Learning

Occasionally among nootropics fans, you will hear phrases such as “I’m having a dopamine rush” or “my brain is just feeling depleted today” in regards to how they are feeling. As science is becoming more and more mainstream, even people who aren’t into neurochemistry have likely heard about dopamine and how it drives a person […]

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Three Weeks Using the Uridine Stack

A few months ago, we did a comprehensive report on the Uridine stack – a supplemental regimen designed to restore and maintain nerve health as well as to normalize response to dopamine. The Uridine stack contains ingredients that were assembled by member Mr. Happy over a period of several weeks. Recap At the core […]

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